First, we convert the fraction to a decimal number by dividing the numerator by the denominator:
3 / 7 = 0.428
There are two parts to the decimal number above:
Integer Part: 0
Fractional Part: 428
Now, we will make the Fractional Part just two digits (nearest hundredth) by using our rounding rules.*
In this case, Rule II applies, so 3/7 (or 0.428) rounded to the nearest hundredth in decimal format is:
Next, we will make 3/7 rounded to the nearest hundredth in fraction format. Since you can divide our decimal format answer above by 1 and keep the same value, you can make it like this:
0.43 = 0.43/1
Then, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 100 to get rid of the decimal point:
(0.43 x 100) / (1 x 100) = 43/100
That's it. 3/7 rounded to the nearest hundredth is displayed below (simplified if necessary):