333.3 meters per minute
The best way to solve this problem is using dimensional anaysis. First, we write out our starting units, that being 20km/1hr. We have to keep in mind that we want to change the kilometers to meters and the hours to minutes.

We know that there are 1000 meters in 1 kilometer. We add this to the dimensional analysis as 1000m/1km. We write it as this because we want the kilometers to cancel each other out. We only want the meters.

We also know that 1 hour is 60 minutes. We add this to the analysis as well so that the hours cancel each other.

We now solve this expression. Since both the kilometers and the hours cancel out, we have meters per minute as our unit. All that's left are the numbers.
= (20*1000*1)/(1*1*60) m/min
= 333.3 meters per minute