Step-by-step explanation:
Family unity is a fundamental principle of international law.3
For refugees and
those who seek to protect them, this principle has several important facets. The integrity
of the refugee family is a legal principle and a humanitarian goal; it is also an essential
framework of protection and a key to the success of durable solutions that can restore a
refugee to something approximating a normal life.
Refugees run multiple risks in the process of fleeing from persecution, one of
which is the very real risk of separation from their families. For individuals who, as
refugees, are without the protection of their own countries, the loss of contact with family
members may disrupt their major remaining source of protection and care or, equally
distressing, put out of reach those for whose protection a refugee feels most deeply
Although the right to seek and enjoy asylum in another country is an individual
human right4
, the individual refugee should not be seen in isolation from his or her
family. The role of the family as the central unit of human society is entrenched in
virtually all cultures and traditions, including the modern, universal legal ‘culture’ of
human rights