p/s: first of all, my English isn't my mother tongue, I might step on some rocks but here I'm trying my best. besides, you can add additional things I say. i dont think I can dk 2 pages long since I always keep myself short but meaningful, plus I dont know what your teacher like
Step-by-step explanation:
Dear Mr.Mrs...!
I know you're going to move soon and I hope you have best of luck with moving and settling down in the new place. You will be miss by me and everyone, I won't forget what you've done for us and all the heartwarming moment in class (name all the events that your teacher did that you think is beautiful). I enjoy your class out of the most, every time you share a story of your life, teaching us new things, give advices to us like a father/mother and so much love.
You're more than just a teacher, you're a friend to us, a beautiful person with beautiful soul, I hope you know that.
you mean a lot to me and you change how I am with a brighter hope and bravery. You give us your happiness and your humour, I appreciate it.
Again, words can't express how thankful I am, and I hope you will have a new, with excitement I your new chapter life!
p/s: please add more to my paragraph, I know it's short and not long, but adding details would increase the length, though personally I won't want to keep it that long.
have a good day! :)