Amira is currently 24 years old and Pam is currently 12 years old
Let Amira's age be
and Pam's age be
. Currently, Amira is twice as old as Pam. Therefore, we can write the equation
We can write a second equation using the other information given in the question. Nine years ago, Amira and Pam's combined ages was 18. If Amira and Pam are currently
years old, respectively, then their respective ages 9 years ago would ben
. Since these add up to 18, we have the equation
Therefore, we have a system of equations:

Substitute the first equation into the second one:

Combine like terms:

Add 18 to both sides:

Divide both sides by 3:

Now substitute this into any of the equations (I'll choose the first):

Therefore, Amira is currently 24 years old and Pam is currently 12 years old.