Dear FRIEND, life here has been changing rapidly. Next thing you know we may be flying to the moon-! I got on this boat that was powered by steam, and it was inane-! So many new changes are happening around here. Not only are majority of our transports being powered by this steam engine, other things around just our factories are too-! I got to try out the spinning Jenny, which is making my job a lot easier. The problem is that now I barely have any co-workers. Though this thing is helping me spin wool so much faster, it made many of my friends obsolete here in the workforce. I've been starting to see a lot of children around too, though. They should be out in the streets having fun but they’re stuck here working with me. Its not all bad, though. Now we have telegraphs and locomotives-! We can travel across the country faster with those trains and I can send messages in less time that it will take for this letter to get to you-! How are things going on in Japan?
Dear FRIEND, thanks for getting in touch. Things over here are changing quite a bit too. But, it was a bit slow at first. Everyone was resistant to such changes coming so quickly, you know? But, now the government is leading the changes. It all started after Emperor Meiji came back into power. We were closed off for a while, but had to open backup to America. That's really when the ball got rolling. The children- I’ve been noticing that here too. They seem to come and go, though. I suppose it's not all bad, though. Over Here we’ve been mostly focused on Iron and Steel, as well as coming up with new designs for ships and ways to enforce them. Along with coal mining, it's really been helping us. But, on the flip side- the air seems to be smoggier than normal. Maybe that's just my eyesight going.
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