Yoko has $22, Alan has $66, and Trey has $27
Let x represent how much money Yoko has.
Alan has 3 times as much as Yoko, so his amount can be represented by 3x.
Trey has $5 more than Yoko, so his amount can be represented by x + 5.
Add these together and set them equal to 115. Then, solve for x:
(x) + (3x) + (x + 5) = 115
5x + 5 = 115
5x = 110
x = 22
So, Yoko has $22.
Alan has 3 times as much, so multiply this by 3:
22(3) = 66
Alan has $66.
Yoko has $5 less than Trey, so add 5 to this:
22 + 5 = 27
Trey has $27.
Yoko has $22, Alan has $66, and Trey has $27