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1. Do you think the Genesis story and Big Bang Theory support one another? Why or why not?

2. Do the parallels between the Big Bang/Evolution and the Genesis Creation story strengthen your belief in the idea that God created everything? Why or why not?
3. If you don't believe in the idea of God being the creator, what is your belief for where all the matter and energy of the universe come from? Explain.

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This is my favorite topic to address. Do you think the Genesis story and Big Bang Theory support one another? Why or why not?

No, the Genesis story and the Big Bang Theory support one another. I'll explain why, God has the power to do the marvelous, the everything that seems impossible to human eyes. Scientist say there was an explosion that originated the universe. That is possible. However, it must have been a controlled explosion.

"Awake 1996 The Awesome Universe What the Big Bang Explains—What It Doesn’t":

What the Big Bang “Explains”: The most popular version of creation says that about 15 to 20 billion years ago, the universe didn't exist. There was no time, no matter—nothing except an infinitely small point called a singularity, which exploded into the present universe. During the first few minutes of the big bang, nuclear fusion took place on a universal scale. After that it gave rise to the currently "measured concentrations of hydrogen and helium" and part of the lithium in "interstellar space". After around "300,000 years, the universe wide fireball dropped to a little below the temperature of the surface of the sun, allowing electrons to settle into orbits around atoms and releasing a flash of photons, or light."

Questions the Big Bang Does Not Answer: "As the report goes on to note, “other data indicate that certain stars are at least 14 billion years old".

"Still another problem for the big bang has come from evidence of “bubbles” in the universe that are 100 million light-years in size, with galaxies on the outside and voids inside. Margaret Geller, John Huchra, and others at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have found what they call a great wall of galaxies some 500 million light-years in length across the northern sky. Another group of astronomers, who became known as the Seven Samurai, have found evidence of a different cosmic conglomeration, which they call the Great Attractor, located near the southern constellations of Hydra and Centaurus. Astronomers Marc Postman and Tod Lauer believe something even bigger must lie beyond the constellation Orion, causing hundreds of galaxies, including ours, to stream in that direction like rafts on a sort of “river in space.” Also, "Cosmologists say the blast from the big bang was extremely smooth and uniform, according to the background radiation it allegedly left behind. How could such a smooth start have led to such massive and complex structures? “The latest crop of walls and attractors intensifies the mystery of how so much structure could have formed within the 15-billion-year age of the universe,” admits Scientific American—a problem that only gets worse as Freedman and others roll back the estimated age of the cosmos still more."

Do the parallels between the Big Bang/Evolution and the Genesis Creation story strengthen your belief in the idea that God created everything? Why or why not?

Romans 1:20 states: "For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable." The book "Draw close to Jehovah" further states: "Just think of the blinding flashes and rumbling booms of a thunderstorm, the glorious cascade of a mighty waterfall, the overwhelming vastness of a starry sky! Do you not see the power of God in such displays? Yet, few in today’s world truly recognize God’s power. Still fewer view it properly. Understanding this divine attribute, though, gives us many reasons for drawing closer to Jehovah."

Based on the book: "Draw Close to Jehovah" it say's: "We do not need to witness a miracle to discern that God possesses this attribute (power). It is readily apparent. The Bible tells us that creation gives proof of Jehovah’s “eternal power and Godship.” Based on the magazine: "Awake 1996 The Awesome Universe What the Big Bang Explains—What It Doesn’t" states that "EVERY morning is a miracle." And its true! Deep inside the morning sun, hydrogen is being fused into helium at high temperatures that are at million degrees. X rays and gamma rays pour out "of the core into the surrounding layers of the sun." If the sun was transparent, "the rays would blast their way to the surface in a few seconds. Instead, they begin to bounce from tightly packed atom to atom of solar “insulation,” gradually losing energy." Days, weeks, centuries, pass. Thousands of years later, that once deadly radiation finally emerges from the sun’s surface as a gentle shower of yellow light—no longer a menace but just right for bathing earth with its warmth.

User JonF
6.9k points