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Even though the water revolves around a cycle such that used water can still be reused, water flowing through the surface may flow into water bodies,such as rivers, some percolate down the surface down to water aquifers, while some evaporate to the atmosphere to form clouds. However, water wasting could occur when, usable amount of water undergoes this cycle process without it being useful for human use. This could occur during pumping of water, when reservoirs are over filled, this overfilled water which travel as run off is just more than the amount needed by some to perform their daily chores of washing, drinking and watering their plants. Therfore, wasting of water could be the lack of adequate or appropriate channeling, hence, leading to deficiency in some part of the environment and excessive in others. Areas wit deficiency will suffer from poor growth of plant, residents will also suffer from dehydration and so on.
The amount of accessible water within the environment is diminished.