1. Dropping the bomb in Japan would alert the rest of the world the the US had the ability to deploy and detnate one. This took away the upper hand that the US had and let the rest of the world consider that if it was okay for us it was okay for them which eventually resulted in the Cold War.
2. Use of the Bomb was considered illigeal. The league of nations adopted a resolution that stated that the intinial bombing or attacking of a residetial area would be considered illigeal and a war crime with an empasis on bombing from the air. The resolution was also one of the first to recognize that the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction was illigeal. The US arguged that since they were not a part of the League of Nations that the law did not apply to them.
3. The bomb was inhumane and could be considered raacially motivated. The bomb killed thousands of Asian, Japaniese men, women ad children simply beause of where they lived. These people were vaporized, killed in a way that was inhumane, they were vaporized. those that survived the initial attack faced radiation sickness, mental issues, starvation and mutations. The land was unliveable, families and business were wiped out, all bevause of where they lived an because of their nationality.
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