In the book forged by fire we read that Gerald was living with his aunt queen for about six years. So now Gerald is nine years old. He plays with himself and made a go-cart. He was riding down his Aunt's ramp and she was getting mad at first but then let him do what he wanted. One day he was going down the ramp and he went down the last time and his go-cart wheel fell off. He was in the middle of the street. A Cadillac and a Ford were coming down the street. He then ran into some garbage cans ans the lady out the green ford helped him to his house. His aunt was really upset with him. He promised not to ever do that again. Then one day his aunt told him that his mother was coming to visit him. He was so shocked and didn't know what to think. I think that he should see his mother. I know he really misses her and can't wait to see her. He is just really confused now.
:D Hope this helps you!!