Final answer:
The word 'prescribe' in the context of Hammurabi's Code means 'record in advance', referring to the pre-established fines and punishments set by Hammurabi for his empire.
Step-by-step explanation:
The word prescribe in the context of Hammurabi and his code means 'record in advance'. The prefix 'pre-' suggests an action that occurs before another, whereas 'scrib' relates to writing or inscribing on a surface. When Hammurabi prescribed fines and punishments, he was recording in advance the consequences for certain offenses in his Code of Hammurabi. This action was essential for establishing order and justice throughout the Babylonian Empire.
Hammurabi's set of laws provided clear guidelines for behavior and consequences, recorded on stone pillars and clay tablets, as part of his mission to rule justly and manage his expansive empire effectively.