User account
2. The system allows user to register and create the account
3. Users allowed by system to edit & modify the account
4. System allows users to view products
5. System allows users to comment on product
6. Perform sentiment analysis
7. Use APS to connect to product
8. Review website to collect comment of product
9. System dynamically analyze command of users
10. Matching keyword in database
11. system allots rank to product as good, bad and ugly
12. view product review
13. users can use system to view product
14. manage users account
15. all users account allowed to be added or modified , and deleted by administrator
Non Functional Requirements:
1. Efficiency
2. Interoperable
3. Portability
4. Security
Part A: Answer the following questions prefer to the previous requirements?
Question :
Three Use-Case Narrative. Choose one major use-case for each player (Customer, Shop Owner, and Administrator).