I would say D or B personally, but I would wait for another answer to verify or deny.
Focusing on B personally, do not just see this and decide that I am correct. Do more research before accepting or denying my choice.
I also recommend learning or practicing similar things in the future instead of just searching it up and asking on here, but here's my explanation of this question:
Step-by-step explanation:
According to credible sources, longhouses can also be made out of anything on hand, such as stone, rock, dirt; but is most common and represented by wood.
Longhouses are usually commonplace houses similar to what the first Pilgrims and Natives used.
Longhouses are not limited just to migratory peoples as they can be built anywhere and by anyone.
They are also common in the North (might have been torn down though unless reserved for museums).
I have no idea about not being designed ot be moved, as they can just as easily have ruts and poles in them where they could be dragged like a trailer or wagon.