9514 1404 393
To estimate the quotient, round the numerator and denominator, then find the quotient of the rounded numbers.
(78 +69)/29 ≈ (80 +70)/30 = 150/30 = 5
A good estimate of the quotient is 5.
Additional comment
IMO, an estimate should also be accompanied by an estimate of the error. Here, the numerator is increased by 3 units to get 150, so is about 3/147 ≈ 2% high. The denominator is increased by 1 unit to get 30, so causing the estimate to be approximately 1/29 ≈ 3.3% low. Overall, this means the estimate is on the order of 2% -3.3% = -1.3% from the actual value. That is, it is on the order of 1.3% low. (It is actually about 1.361% low.)