68, 97, 81, 96, 84.2
16. The minimum of the data is the smallest value. Take the smallest stem value and find its smallest leaf value, you'll get 68.
17. Take the largest stem value and find its largest leaf value. That's 97.
18. Counting the number of values, there are 10 values here. So you need to look at the mean of the 5th and 6th values. (80 + 82) ÷ 2 = 81
19. Mode: the most frequently occurring value. All values in this dataset are unique except for the two 96s in the last row, hence 96 is the mode.
20. Add all values and divide your result by the number of values.
(68+75+77+79+80+82+92+96+96+97) ÷ 10 = 84.2
Hence 84.2 is your mean.