Hello. Unfortunately, you have not informed the philosophies discussed in module 4, to which your question refers, which makes it impossible for me to answer you accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.
The philosophies you are referring to are ways of life that are adopted according to your beliefs and the way you want to live. In this case, to answer this question, you must read about all the philosophies shown in module 4 and identify the one that is in accordance with your beliefs, convictions and desires for your life. This will be the most appropriate philosophy for you to achieve and apply in your daily life. In that case, you must keep in mind that the adoption of this philosophy will change your way of thinking and seeing the world and may even modify the activities you do in your daily life. An example of this can be seen in people who adopt a philosophy called veganism. These people believe that animal exploitation is incorrect in any situation, and for that reason, they stop using any product of animal origin or that has used an animal in its manufacture.