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Fidel Castro, Havana, Cuba. (February 24, 1959)

Fellow peasants:

Many symbols expressed the extraordinary transformations that are taking place in our country, symbols that are as lights showing the way to our people.

We have celebrated many times the anniversary of the 24 of February. But this is the first which really represents the end of our fight for independence. It was initiated by our grand-parents against Spain, and we have finally obtained it on the first of January, 1959.

We are tonight in the Cuartel Moncada, the place where the fight against Tyranny was initiated. Tonight, it is the symbol of our Revolution…

Many have not noticed yet the many changes that have taken place in Cuba. I can read everywhere signs speaking about Agrarian Reform, about the Destruction of "latifundia" about technical assistance, about comfortable houses for the peasants. These are the deepest yearnings of a class that has always been a victim.

But I ask myself, what have the peasants to ask from the government? They must not ask anything from us, the time for asking is over…

I was not born poor, I was born rich. I was not the son of a landless peasant, I was the son of a rich landowner. I never lived in a miserable house. I was near poorness but I never suffered from it. That is why I do not defend landowners but the people and the peasants…

Together we have lived through many dreams. We are so united in brotherhood, nothing can separate us. Of those peasants we had found when we landed we made rebel soldiers. That is why we can say that the Rebel Army is fundamentally a peasant army. We owe our victory to the peasants.

The Prime Minister is a leader of the peasants and nobody can defend them better than he. That is why I am here tonight.

Nothing makes me so enthusiastic as the Agrarian Reform. We are not men of promises, but men of facts. So, you can be sure that this deep yearning of the peasants shall be accomplished. We shall give the land to the peasants…

These things must be well known. The war was won by doing the things that had to be done. One mistake and we would have lost. That is why after the military victory, we must accomplish the revolutionary victory and we have to do the things that have to be done. One - mistake and the Revolution would be lost. I have come to tell the peasants how they can win this war and to ask them if they have confidence in us. We need one single direction and each man must be a disciplined soldier…

First came the Agrarian Law of the Rebel Army. We made it because we knew we would find many difficulties after the victory, and we promulgated laws in the territories we had liberated, to have that on our side.

That was why we gave 70 acres to each peasant, and gave them facilities to buy them. It was so established in the Constitution and we were following the Constitution.

These peasants were given the land and they shall keep it, nobody shall take them away from there. We have now to take care if the procedure, the Rebel Army did not have time to give legal form to this act. But this is easy to do, and the peasants shall stay in the land they own now.

But now we have another problem: the peasants who have not been given any land. The Agrarian Reform shall take care of this…

All those who work on a piece of land must stay there. It shall be given to them. But thousands of families do not have any land at all. To cope with this situation we need time. If it could be done in three minutes it should be done so. But the Agrarian Reform takes time and a lot of studying.

We have developed a national campaign to make everybody work for the Agrarian Reform. Even the industrials. I told them that the Agrarian Reform would increase the national income and that their - industries would also be increased. If a man has no money, how can he buy shoes? If we open a shoe factory we would have to close it in three weeks. The Agrarian Reform is the only way to fight unemployment.

When people are hungry, you just cannot tell them to keep quiet. It is necessary first to eliminate hunger in the land, it will then be finished in the cities. The peasants will be able to buy what the new industries manufacture.

Without the Agrarian Reform, the country's economy will crack down and Batista and his men would be back. Without Agrarian Reform everybody would be ruined. That is why it is so important to eliminate the "latifundia."

We must be careful not to ruin what we have accomplished. We must be calm. If we have waited 50 years, we can wait a little longer, because if the distribution of land is not well done, it will be a failure.

How does Castro justify his belief in unlimited, communist government?
- Describe the form of government Castro imposed
- Explain how it is unlimited
- Provide political, social, and/or economic reasonings for communism
- 8 sentences minimum

1 Answer

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Explanation: goodbye

User Alexrussell
7.0k points