1. predominantly ⇢Being most frequent or common. We use predominantly to indicate which feature or quality is most noticeable in a situation.
2. industrialization ⇢The development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale.Individual manual labor is often replaced by mechanized mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by assembly lines.
3. urbanization ⇢The process through which cities grow, and higher and higher percentages of the population comes to live in the city.
4. colonial ⇢A person who lives or lived in a colony. When an area is being colonized and especially to the period of European colonization in U.S. history between the early 17th century and the late 18th century in colonial times.
5. obligation ⇢The condition of being morally or legally bound to do something.something that is done or is to be done for such reasons: to fulfill one's obligations. a binding promise, contract, sense of duty, etc.
6. almshouses ⇢A charitable form of self sufficient, low cost community housing that is held in trust for local people in housing need.
7. Gradually ⇢Proceeding by steps or degrees.
8. financing ⇢The process of providing funds for business activities, making purchases, or investing.
9. compensation ⇢The process of concealing or offsetting a psychological difficulty by developing in another direction.