StudentIDs<TheType> newStudent = new StudentIDs<TheType>(9,5);
Step-by-step explanation:
Which statement creates a studentIDs object
The question has conflicting details as none of the options is true because some definitions that do not appear in the options.
So, I will answer the question based on the definition in the question.
From the question, we have the class definition to be:
public class StudentIDs<TheType extends Comparable<TheType>>
The above definition is a simple generic java class that follows:
public class Class-Name<Variable-name extends Comparable<Variable-name>>
The object of the class will be created using the following syntax:
Class-Name<TheType> Object-Name = new Class-Name<TheType>();
By comparison:
Class-Name = StudentIDs
Variable-name = TheType
So, the object will be defined as:
StudentIDs<TheType> newStudent = new StudentIDs<TheType>();
Solving further:
The class declares two variables (i1 and i2) as follows:
public StudentIDs(TheType i1, TheType i2)
This means that two TheType variables and/or values will be passed along with the definition of the class.
So, the object definition will be:
StudentIDs<TheType> newStudent = new StudentIDs<TheType>(9,5);