To make an illuminated transcript, the process was split between the parchment maker, the scribe, the illuminator, and the bookbinder. The parchment maker prepared the vellum used for the book's pages. After this, the vellum would be soaked in a solution to loosen the fur. As the skin dried, it would be scraped with a knife and stretched to keep the taut tension. This last step would be repeated until it was thin enough to become parchment paper.
The parchment paper would then be given to the scriber, who copied text with blank ink and a quill. Following the scriber came the illuminator. As the job of an illuminator, he was to use gilded techniques and painted colors to construct the decorations of the manuscript. These colors would be resourced from crushed-up vegetables and minerals. Next came the job of the binder. He would use metal clasps or ties to keep the bind closed. Not only that, but the bookbinder would also adorn his creation with jewels and metals. After this step was completed, the result of an illuminated manuscript would be accomplished.
I used Grammarly twice to fix the answer.