Read the excerpts from part 5 of Zeitoun.
Excerpt 1: Some nights Zeitoun struggles to sleep. Some nights he thinks of the faces, the people who arrested
him, who jailed him, who shuttled him between cages like an animal, who transported him like luggage. He
thinks of the people who could not see him as a neighbor, as a countryman, as a human.
Excerpt 2: For many of his clients, it took time for the insurance money to come through, for the FEMA money to
appear, for any number of complications to work themselves out. But now things are moving. The city is rising
again. Since Hurricane Katrina, Zeitoun A. Painting Contractor LLC has restored 114 houses to their former
states, or improved versions thereof.
Which statement best tells how the main conflict in the first excerpt is different from the main conflict in the second
a. the first excerpt illustrates a global conflict with a second expert illustrates a local conflict. b. The first excerpt illustrates an external conflict for the second excerpt illustrates an internal conflict. c. The first excerpt illustrates an internal conflict with a second expert insights an external conflict. d. The first excerpt illustrates a local conflict with the second expert illustrates a global conflict