Global climate change is a change in the atmosphere that occurs all over the planet simultaneously. Although these changes have occurred in certain periods in a natural way, we are currently facing global climatic changes caused by human activities, which have inconsequentially modified the natural harmony of climatic conditions.
The climate change we are currently experiencing refers to global warming, where the earth's temperature is increasing on an alarming and worrying scale. Global warming has caused the melting of the polar ice caps, harmed marine life, increased the surface temperature of the oceans, caused droughts and floods, in addition to promoting an abnormal and harmful sensation to living beings.
These changes are the result of the constant use of fossil fuels, deforestation, pollution and other human activities that have degraded nature and the atmosphere. This is because these activities, mainly the use of fossil fuels, promote a large production of carbon dioxide, which, when released into the atmosphere, causes holes in the ozone layer that protects our planet from the sun's rays. With the depletion of the ozone layer, the planet is left unprotected and receives sun rays at harmful intensities.
Therefore, we can conclude that the global climate changes that we are experiencing are the consequences of our own actions and that is why it is our responsibility to repair the damage caused by global warming and to promote measures that reduce it.