1-Hypothesis- An idea before you start your experiment.
2-independent variable- a variable that can be changed or controlled
3-latitude- it is used to measure how far something is from the equator
4-remote sensing- sateliite camera that can tell the temperature change in the ocean
5-fossils- information about the history of life on Earht
6-super position- used to tell whether one sedimentary rock is older than another
7-radioactive decay- unstable atomic nucleus losing energy by radiation
8-uniformatarianism- geologic changes explained by existing physical and chemical processes, as erosion, deposition, volcanic action
10-natural selection- process through populations of living organisms adapt nd change
11-reptiles- cold blooded animals which have skins covered with scales and lay eggs
12-mesozoic- the era between the Paleozoic and Cenozoic eras
13-geologic time- time occupied by the geologic history of Earth
14-water- liquid having oxygen and water
15- polar molecule- molecule that has a polar covalent bond, such as HF,
16- ground water- fills the holes and fractures in underground materials such as sand, gravel, and rock
17- water cycle- path that all water follows as it moves around our planet.
18- cohension- sticking together tightly