The Black Death was a very serious bubonic plague pandemic that happened from 1346 to 1353 in Asia and Europe. The Bubonic Plague is a very deadly disease spread through fleas, most commonly on rats. This was excruciating to have, and you would die within 3 days of having the disease. This was the most deadly pandemic that ever has happened in recorded history, resulting in 75-200 million fatalities. Almost everybody in Europe and Asia at the time were affected. The actual bacteria was called Y. pestis. Medical practices then were still very poor and not great, and there wasn’t a way to cure the bubonic plague at the time. Doctors commonly called Plague Doctors wore those bird like masks to ward off bad smells, and they were commonly filled with strong-smelling items, such as lavender. A common practice Plague Doctors did was bloodletting with leeches.