SPEAKER ONE: During the Renaissance, the city-states of Northern Italy worked together to manage trade between Europe, Asia, and Africa. By sharing these resources and co-operating, the city-states were able to maximize profit.
SPEAKER TWO: During the Renaissance, the city-states of Italy were so small and far apart that they had little contact with each other. Since travel was so difficult and dangerous, each city-state had to be independent to survive. Therefore, they largely did not interact.
SPEAKER THREE: During the Renaissance period, the city-states of Italy were highly competitive with each other. Attempts by each city-state to control, or dominate, trade routes and sea ports led to territory disputes and frequent tension and conflict.
SPEAKER FOUR: The Renaissance city-states of Italy were all separate municipalities but were all under control of the King who collected taxes, administered funds for development of trade, agriculture and export, while allowing lesser nobility to control local decision-making within their city-state.
Which speaker most accurately describes the relationship between the city-states of Italy during the Renaissance period?