4 votes
1. World War II led to a renewed interest in international efforts to maintain peace. Explain the specific reasons and historical events that led to the creation of the United Nations. How did the United Nations differ from the League of Nations?

2. How successful has the United Nations been in reaching its goals? Cite the failure of the UN as evidenced by the sources in the appendix.
3. Internationalism continued to grow after World War II. Explain the purpose and goals of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
4. The European Economic Community was established in 1957. This organization was later renamed and extended into the European Union. What were the goals of this economic alliance? How successful has the EU been in reaching its goals?
5. How does the image in document 6 reflect the negative effects of globalization and international cooperation?
6. Why have critics of globalization focused on the activities of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
7. In document 4, whom is the author writing to, and what is the purpose of the article?
8. In document 2, what is the author’s point of view? What point is the source trying to convey, and how might the author’s position affect their purpose?
9. In document 5, how does the author’s point of view affect their reliability?
10. What is the historical context surrounding document 6?
Part 2: Write an introductory paragraph.
Write the prompt in your own words, then write an introductory paragraph that includes your thesis statement, an established line of reasoning, and contextualization. Remember, the thesis outlines what you will address in the essay and establishes your argument.
In the period following World War II, many new international organizations, including the United Nations, formed with the stated goal of maintaining world peace and facilitating international cooperation.
Develop an argument that evaluates how successful international organizations have been in accomplishing these objectives.
1. Rewrite the prompt in your own words.
2. Write an introductory paragraph in response to the prompt.

2 Answers

0 votes


1. World War II led to a renewed interest in international efforts to maintain peace. Explain the specific reasons and historical events that led to the creation of the United Nations. How did the United Nations differ from the League of Nations?

World Wars, genocides, revolutions, continued disarray and instability amongst and within nations, and various other situations led to the creation of the United Nations. One more important factor which led to the creation of the United Nations was increased demand for equality and freedom which led to decolonization in the late 1900s. As a result, the United Nations was created with the sole purpose of preventing further chaos worldwide through diplomacy and promoting human rights as a path towards maintaining peace. The League of Nations was created following The First World War and although it laid the foundation for the United Nations, it focused on preventing further large-scale conflicts through diplomacy, while the United Nations focuses on promoting international peace and justice as a backbone to prevent mass conflicts.

2. How successful has the United Nations been in reaching its goals? Cite the failure of the UN as evidenced by the sources in the appendix.

Although the United Nations has been promoting peace and justice through the world by way of numerous peace-keeping organizations and the Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has seen failures in reaching its goals. Rwanda is one example of the United Nations' terrible effort at maintaining peace in the region. The UNAMIR was sent as the body to aid in preventing the genocide, but the results of that intervention are well known as the Rwandan genocide did in fact occur killing 500,000 to 800,000 members of the Tutsi clan. UN Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan reports on the organization of the entire mission as a whole which lacked cooperation, a cohesive plan, general set-up of the peace-keeping troops, including a lack in the number of troops sent to Rwanda in accordance to the actual number suggested by field experts.

3. Internationalism continued to grow after World War II. Explain the purpose and goals of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

As a result of the Great Depression, which was a very encouraging factor of World War II, internationalism grew to great extents and led to the establishment of a substantial number of organizations formed. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have a shared purpose of working towards maintaining economic stability. As trade advanced, countless opportunities started to become available for the common man, yet nearly a billion people around the world in 2007, were living on $1 a day. The World Bank was tasked with the responsibility to make those opportunities more accessible to the billion people around the world living in poverty. The consequences of both World Wars included large amounts of economic loss on nations, more specifically to the nations directly involved in the wars. The International Monetary fund was created to establish and maintain stable postwar economies for the aforementioned nations.

4. The European Economic Community was established in 1957. This organization was later renamed and extended into the European Union. What were the goals of this economic alliance? How successful has the EU been in reaching its goals?

The European Europe also known by its former name, the European Economic Community, aimed to establish a common trade market amongst member nations and encouraging peace through economy and politics for European nations after the fallout of World War II. They believed that the causes of the Great Depression were brought about by the restrained trade policies and lack of cooperation and unity between nations. Boosting the economies of member nations through a common trade market was the goal of this economic alliance. The EU has been successful in reaching its goals through free trade flow across EU borders while establishing the Banking Union to ensure safer and more reliable banks following the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008. A more profound proof of the European Union’s success in maintaining economic stability and free trade among member nations would be their achievement of gaining the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012.

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this helps. I improvised for 8-10 with help from bluraphax. Questions 5-10 are in the comments section.

User Pete Naylor
6.3k points
3 votes

Global Processes and Conflicts Part 1, by bluralphax

1. World War II led to a renewed interest in international efforts to maintain peace. Explain the specific reasons and historical events that led to the creation of the United Nations. How did the United Nations differ from the League of Nations?

The United Nations was formed by 51 different countries after the end of World War II in 1945. The United Nations’ decisions are decided by a two-thirds majority of present and voting countries, while the League of Nations’ decisions are decided by unanimous voting.

2. How successful has the United Nations been in reaching its goals? Cite the failure of the UN as evidenced by the sources in the appendix.

While the United Nations has been successful in reaching some of its goals, the United Nations is viewed as ineffective due to the democratic process it must go through to make a decision. With China, France, Russia, United States, and the United Kingdom having permanent veto powers, a resolution that makes all sides happy is hard to achieve.

3. Internationalism continued to grow after World War II. Explain the purpose and goals of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

The International Monetary fund and the World Bank are committed to the purpose of promoting financial cooperation among all nations and aiding in the growth and development of economically poor nations. The World Bank provides low-interest loans, interest-free credit, and grants. It focuses on improving education, health, and infrastructure. It also uses funds to modernize a country's financial sector, agriculture, and natural resources management. The International Monetary Fund rescues a nation from severe economic disasters. It monitors the annual economic growth and fiscal performance of its member nations and helps them in utilizing their fiscal budget through recommendations made by their economic advisers.

4. The European Economic Community was established in 1957. This organization was later renamed and extended into the European Union. What were the goals of this economic alliance? How successful has the EU been in reaching its goals?

The goals of the European Union are to promote peace and the well-being of its citizens, offer freedom, security, and justice without internal borders, promote a competitive market economy, combat social exclusion and discrimination, promote scientific and technological progress, enhance economic, social, and territorial cohesion and solidarity among EU countries, respect its rich cultural and linguistic diversity, and establish an economic and monetary union whose currency is the euro.

5. How does the image in document 6 reflect the negative effects of globalization and international cooperation?

The image in document 6 reflects the negative effects of globalization and international cooperation by showing that poor nations are not gaining anything from the policies of international cooperation efforts such as the World Trade Organization (WTO). This can be corroborated by the caption of the document, which says that the WTO’s “policies only cater to rich nations and oppose globalization trends" (blur.alphax.com).

6. Why have critics of globalization focused on the activities of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?

Critics of globalization have focused on the activities of the World Trade Organization due to the fact that it only benefits the rich nations and does not assist poor nations. Many economists and anthropologists have argued that the "only serves the interests of multinational corporations, undermines local development, penalizes poor countries, [and] is increasing inequality" (nber.org).

7. In document 4, who is the author writing to, and what is the purpose of the article?

The author, Kofi, A. Annan, is reporting to the president of the United Nations Security Council. The purpose of the article is a report regarding the actions taken by the United Nations during the Rwandan genocide.

User Nikhil Pareek
7.1k points