and my fingers finding them echo= SYNECDOCHE ("fingers " is a representation of the entire man (speaker of the poem) himself)
I may have seemed somewhat strange = ALLITERATION (repetition of "s")
it all roared and stood still= PERSONIFICATION ('it" refers to house" who was figuratively described as something that roar as it fell)
I named for my wife a flower= METAPHOR (comparing his wife and the flower)
then I saw that the flowers themselves
were gone
they were indeed gone
I saw
that my wife was gone
then I saw that my daughter was gone
afterwards my eyes themselves were gone= EPIPHORA
I listen to the water
which is the story welling up= METAPHOR (comparing the water and the story)
Step-by-step explanation:
-When a part represents the whole, as in the statement "hired hands" for workmen, or when the entire represents a part, as in the use of the word "society" to refer to elite society, a synecdoche occurs.
-The objective of alliteration is to generate an auditory pulse that provides a piece of writing a lulling, lyrical, and/or emotive effect by repeating the same sound at the start of a series of words in succession. Alliteration can be seen in this paragraph.
-When you give an object or animal human behaviors, you've personified it.
-Figure of speech in which one word or phrase describing one type of object or thought is substituted for another to imply a similarity or analogy between them.
-An epiphora is a phrase or word that repeats itself at the end of a clause.