This is a test i need this NOW
In your opinion, what is the most important personality trait of a diplomat? (Read above to learn the traits) *
The successful FSO candidate demonstrates the skills, abilities, and personal qualities needed to be a diplomat. Diplomats have distinct personalities...They tend to be enterprising individuals, which means they’re adventurous, ambitious, assertive, extroverted, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic. They are dominant, persuasive, and motivational. Some of them are also artistic, meaning they’re creative, intuitive, sensitive, articulate, and expressive.
They must stay calm in stressful or difficult situations and be able to think on their feet, adjusting quickly to changing situations. They must be able to work with people from other cultures with different values, political beliefs, and religions. Diplomats need strong analytical, organizational, and leadership skills. They must have good judgment and high integrity. In addition, they must be able to communicate effectively, both in writing and orally. They must be able to learn at least one foreign language, often several, during their careers. Finally, they must be resourceful and creative problem solvers
In your opinion, what is the most important personality trait of a diplomat? (Read above to learn the traits) *