Imagine you were generating ideas for a speech about the moon. You decide to include three main points in your outline:
The moon is the only extraterrestrial body to have been visited by humans.
The moon's physical properties are very different from the earth's.
The gravitational force between the moon and earth affects the earth.
After a brief brainstorming session, you come up with the list of ideas below and begin to group them into your three main points. Which ideas are irrelevant to your thesis and will not group well with the focus of your speech? Select all that apply.
The moon has no atmosphere.
The moon is the second brightest object in the sky.
The moon no longer has an active, volcanic interior like the earth.
Apollo 11 was the first mission to land on the moon.
The moon plays an important role in mythology.
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
The gravitational pull of the moon is slowing the earth's rotation.
Earth's moon is roughly the same size as Jupiter's moon Io.
The moon affects ocean tides.
The impact theory of the moon's origin is the most widely accepted.