3 2/7 (as a fraction) and 3.2857 (as a decimal).
This is a rather easy question! First things first, imagine a roll of tape that is 23 yards long. Now, how many '7s' are in 23?
7 x 3 = 21.
23 - 21 = 2
3, R:2. To make this a fraction, make 3 the whole number part. 2 as the Numerator (top number) and 7 as the Denominator (the bottom number) because 2 out of 7 is left over from the other 3 remaining pieces of tape!
Making it a decimal is also very simple! Just divide 23 by 7.
Keep going on and on until you get 3.2857! If you don't get 3.2857 in the end, re-check your work so you can understand it!
I hope this is right! Let me know if you have any more questions, I'll be here! Have a nice day/night! Good luck, stay safe!