Read the following excerpt from a blography on Mark Twain and answer the question.
1Samuel Langhorn Clemens, Mark Twain, was born in Florida, Missouri on November 30,1835. The
experience of his life prepared him as a writer, an American writer. He worked as a printer, then apprenticed
himself as a river pllot on the Mississippl, and eventually became one of the best. He worked at mining activities in Nevada. Sin 1862, he took a position on the Virginia City Enterprise where he first used the name
Mark Twain, which was a riverboat pllot expression.
6He went to the West Coast and worked for a while on the San Francisco newspaper, Morning Call. After
leaving there, he went to Calaveras County to try his hand at mining. In 1865, he was asked by Artemus
Ward to write a humorous sketch. He signed It "Mark Twain," and his reputation began on the eastern
seaboard. 10in 1866, he was sent by the Sacramento Union to Hawall. "Unexpectedly. In 1867, he salled
abroad and wrote letters that were to become the book, The Innocents Abroad. 12 With that book he became
the most famous humorist of his time. 131n July, 1869, The Innocents Abroad was published. 14On February
2,1870, he married Olivia Langdon.
What is the denotation of "sketch" In sentence 8?
An outline
A drawing
A piece of writing
A place to draw