You do not have to cite information you put on your website if the information is considered to be common knowledge. Common knowledge is information that is widely known and accepted by the general public, and does not require a citation because it is not original to the person presenting it.
Examples of common knowledge include well-known facts, such as the date of the Declaration of Independence, the capital of the United States, and the laws of physics. These facts are widely known and accepted, and do not require a citation because they are not original to the person presenting them.
However, if you use information on your website that is not considered to be common knowledge, you must provide a citation. This includes original research, ideas, data, or other information that is not widely known or accepted. By providing a citation, you are giving credit to the original source of the information and allowing others to verify the accuracy of the information.
Overall, you do not have to cite information you put on your website if the information is considered to be common knowledge, but you must provide a citation for any information that is not widely known or accepted.