Cloud-Based Software (Advantages:)
Data is stored on the cloud, giving users access anytime and anywhere, as long as there is an Internet connection
It provides almost unlimited storage capacity; backing up files is made easier
Customers subscribe for software access instead of purchasing it; they pay for as little as they need
Provide multiple users access to information or systems from any device
May allow the offline option for users, increasing its flexibility
Enables utilization of only the features that will suit one’s business needs
Performance depends on the capacity of the Internet connection
May encounter network and connectivity problems
Poor internet connectivity may lower productivity levels
Lacks other functionalities and features which are present in their desktop versions
Storing company information on the cloud also makes data vulnerable to hackers and other cybersecurity threats
Ensuring data privacy may mean spending more for the implementation of security meas
Desktop Apps: (Advantages:)
An on-premise application that does not require an Internet connection
No connectivity problems that may slow down the process
Allows users to add more features because it runs locally
Some software works the same offline as it does online
Works only on the computer where it was installed; requires separate installation for every computer
The user is given the responsibility to make updates and upgrades
Need to contact software provider to help install and maintain the software (for the not off-the-shelf type of software)