Local versus absolute extrema. If you recall from single-variable calculus (calculus I), if a function has only one critical point, and that critical point is a local maximum (or say local minimum), then that critical point is the global/absolute maximum (or say global/absolute minnimum). This fails spectacularly in higher dimensions (and thereís a famous example of a mistake in a mathematical physics paper because this fact was not properly appreciated.) You will compute a simple example in this problem. Let f(x; y) = e 3x + y 3 3yex . (a) Find all critical points for this function; in so doing you will see there is only one. (b) Verify this critical point is a local minimum. (c) Show this is not the absolute minimum by Önding values of f(x; y) that are lower than the value at this critical point. We suggest looking at values f(0; y) for suitably chosen y