Basically the main ones of the story
Step-by-step explanation:
Ponyboy Curtis
he is 14 and is the protagonist. his parents died in a car accident so ponyboy lives with his brothers darry and sodapop
Johnny Cade
he is 16 and is very fearful. he lives with alcoholic and abusive parents so hes always nervous and sensitive, he considers his gang as his true family so they protect him. mostly dally
Dallas Winston
he is 17 and is the toughest hood in the group of greasers. unlike his friends, does not put grease in his hair. hes very violent and is has pride in his criminal record
Darrel Curtis
he is a 20 and is the oldest brother and is raising ponyboy because of the parents who died in the car crash. he quitted school and has 2 jobs to keep them together.
you can find the rest on sparknotes.