What property of the wave is addressed by the letter B?
Picture result for The letter "B" is marking which part of the wave? B Frequency Pressure Rarefaction Plentifulness
What property of the wave is addressed by the letter "B"? Abundancy.
Step-by-step explanation:
Definition: Frequency can be characterized as the distance between two progressive peaks or box of a wave. It is estimated toward the wave.
pressure thing [U] (Go ahead)
the demonstration of squeezing something into a more modest space or coming down on it from various sides until it gets more modest: Structural powers caused pressure in the world's outside layer.
At the point when rarefaction happens, the particles in a gas become more fanned out. You might run over this word with regards to sound waves. A sound wave traveling through air is comprised of exchanging areas of higher and lower thickness. The areas of lower thickness are called rarefactions
At the point when rarefaction happens, the particles in a gas become more fanned out. You might go over this word with regards to sound waves. A sound wave traveling through air is comprised of substituting areas of higher and lower thickness. The areas of lower thickness are called rarefactions