Answer down below
Step-by-step explanation:
Q's Asked: With the aid of two examples, describe the use of merging of documents.
Explanation of "merging documents":
What is the use of merging of documents?
Well merging documents is really only used for organization or systems where documents/ data are changed by different users or systems.
Anyway The requirements for "mail merging" is :
(a) Main Document,
(b) Data Source,
(c) Merge Document.
: Meaning of A horizontal merger: A horizontal merger is when competing companies merge—companies that sell the same products or services.
: Meaning of A vertical merger: A vertical merger is a merger of companies with different products. :3
Welp anyway back to the Q's: With the aid of two examples, describe the use of merging of documents.
Umm some people that use "merging of documents", are horizontal mergers which increase market share, such as Umm... T-moblie and sprit bc they are both a phone company. vertical mergers which exploit existing synergies. So like ummm.... a sports drink company and a car company combining together.
hope this helps