To keep the peace and harmony in your office, here are a few etiquette rules to for office
Watch your body language
Everyone has bad mornings, and sometimes they follow you into the office. Be aware of your body language even when you aren’t saying anything. If you feel angry or frustrated, give yourself a 10 minute “time-out” in a private space to bring yourself back to neutral. You don’t want to give the wrong impression during a morning meeting or during your performance reviews. Office etiquette requires professionalism even on your worst day.
Don’t be late
Whether it is arriving for work or to a meeting, being punctual actually means being five minutes early. Showing up late is simply disrespectful. It delivers the message to your coworkers that their time isn’t as important as yours.
Minimise the jargon
It is nearly impossible to escape corporate jargon, but it doesn’t mean you need to use it all the time. The key is to make yourself understood in a clear concise way. Most of the time jargon is far to vague, and you become impossible to understand. Tone it down and focus on good communication.
Dress appropriately
Every office has a dress code; make sure that what you wear is appropriate to that code. Whether you work at a corporate law firm, or it’s casual Friday, there will be a set of rules to follow. If you are unsure of your company’s dress code, your HR team will be able to give you all the details.
If your sick stay home
Do your team a favour and don’t share your pneumonia germs with everyone. Take a day or 2, and focus on getting better. You’re no good to anyone when you are too sick to read the numbers on your computer screen. If you must work, then work remotely – grab your laptop, and work from the comfort of home. Don’t forget to sanitise your desk when you get back to work.