To prove a biconditional statement we have to prove two conditionals.

Let's prove the first one.

We multiply the inequality by 3.

Which proves the first conditional.
Let's prove the second conditional.

We divide by 3 the inequality.

Which proves the second conditional.
Therefore, we can say that the given biconditional statement is true.
The inverse of the biconditional statement would be

To prove the inverse, we demonstrate each conditional.

Let's prove the first conditional.

We multiply by 3 the inequality.

Which proves the first inequality.
Let's prove the second conditional.

We divide the inequality by 3.

Which proves the second inequality.
Since both conditionals are true then the inverse of the biconditional is true which implies that the biconditional statement is true.
At last, the contrapositive would be

Let's prove it using the same method as the previous ones.
The conditionals we have to prove are

First conditional proof.

Second conditional proof.

Therefore, the contrapositive is true which means the biconditional statement is also true.