We are given that there are 4 cities that lie on a straight highway. We can visulaize our problem to be 1-D line. We will go ahead and place these cities on a line as follows:
The above placement of 4 cities is NOT to scale. We will go ahead and update our graphics with each step.

We will first go ahead and decrypt the above statement and write it down as a mathematical equation as follows:


The next statement is as follows:

We will first go ahead and decrypt the above statement and write it down as a mathematical equation as follows:


The last statement states as follows:

We will first go ahead and decrypt the above statement and write it down as a mathematical equation as follows:


WE have the following three equations summarized as follows:

We will now update our graphical representation.
Substitute the (Eq1) and (Eq2) as follows:

The distance ( AD ) can be split into three parts as follows:

Substitute Eq1 and Eq3 into the above result:

Use Eq1 to evaluate ( AB ) as follows:

The correspnding inter-city distances are as follows: