Solution :
1. Calculation of total revenue
Total revenue = cost of goods sold + Markup 7% = Revenue
University = 38000 + 2660 = 40660
Memorial = 38000 + 2660 = 40660
Therefore, markup = cost of goods sold x market up
= 38000 x 7%
= 2660
2. Calculations of Activity rates
Activity rate = activity cost pool / total activity = activity rate
Customer deliveries = 420000 / 5000 = 84
Manual order processing = 624000 / 8000 = 78
Ele order processing = 170000 / 10000 = 17
Line time picking = 675000 / 450000 = 1.5
3. Calculations of Activity costs
Activity cost for University
Activity cost pool = Activity x Activity rate
Customer deliveries = 16 x 84 = 1344
Manual order processing = 0 x 78 = 0
Ele order processing = 18 x 17 = 306
Line time picking = 190 x 1.5 = 285
Total activity cost = 1935
Activity cost for Memorial
Activity cost pool = Activity x Activity rate
Customer deliveries = 28 x 84 = 2352
Manual order processing = 49 x 78 = 3822
Ele order processing = 0 x 17 = 0
Line time picking = 210 x 1.5 = 315
Total activity cost = 6489
4. Calculation of Customer margin
University Memorial
Sales revenue 40660 40660
Less : Cost of goods sold 38000 38000
Gross Margin 2660 2660
Less : Activity cost 1935 6489
Customer Margin 725 -3829