Given the Division:
You can identify that, in this case, the Dividend is:
And the Divisor is:
Then, you can rewrite it in this form:
Notice that the Dividend is a Decimal Number. Then, you can follow these steps to solve the Division:
1. Take the first digit of the Dividend. Since it is 0, any number multiplied by zero is zero, you can place 0 at the top. Place 0 under the first digit of the Dividend too.
2. Subtract the numbers:
3. Bring down the next digit. Since it is the first digit after the Decimal Point, you need to write a Decimal Point at the top:
4. Divide the new number by the Divisor.
5. Find a number whose multiplication with the Divisor 2 gives you 5 as the result or a number closer to 5. These would be 2.
6. Place the number 2 at the top and multiply the divisor by it.
7. Place the result below the number 5 and subtract them.
8. Apply the same procedures with the other digits.
Hence, the answer is: