The total number of people are T = 267.
Step-by-step explanation:
Determine the total number of teens.

The probability for the person to be a teen is,

Determine the number of people like the vanilla.

Determine the propability for the person selected likes the Vanilla.

Determine the number of people that are teen or likes the vanailla.

Determine the probability for a selected person is a teen or like the vanilla.

The number of person that is teen and likes strawberry best are 25.
Determine the probability for selected person is teen and likes strawberry best.

Determine the number of persons that are children.

Determine the number person that are children and likes strawberry best.

So probability for the person likes the strawbwerry given that person is children is,

The number of persons who likes the strawberry best is,

Determine the probability for person is teen given that person likes strawberry best.

Is a teen: 0.4007
Likes vanilla the best: 0.4082
Is a teen or likes the Vanilla the best: 0.6479
Is a teen and likes the strawberry best: 0.0936
Likes strawberry the best GIVEN the person is child: 0.1732
Is a teen GIVEN that person likes the strawberry best: 0.4032