In Java:
import java.util.*;
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
ArrayList<String> Strs = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Integer> Ints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
String datapoint;
System.out.print("Data point (0 to quit): ");
datapoint = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Data point: "+datapoint);
String[] datapointSplit = datapoint.split(", ");
System.out.print("Data point (0 to quit): ");
datapoint = input.nextLine(); }
System.out.println("Strings: "+Strs);
System.out.println("Integers: "+Ints);
Step-by-step explanation:
In Java:
Declare string and integer array lists
ArrayList<String> Strs = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Integer> Ints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Declare datapoint as string
String datapoint;
Prompt the user for data point (An entry of 0 ends the program)
System.out.print("Data point (0 to quit): ");
Get the data point
datapoint = input.nextLine();
This is repeated until an entry of 0 is entered
This prints the datapoint
System.out.println("Data point: "+datapoint);
This splits the datapoint to 2
String[] datapointSplit = datapoint.split(", ");
This adds the string part to the string array list
This adds the integer part to the integer array list
Prompt the user for another entry
System.out.print("Data point (0 to quit): ");
datapoint = input.nextLine(); }
Print the string entries
System.out.println("Strings: "+Strs);
Print the integer entries
System.out.println("Integers: "+Ints);