c) one degree Farenheit
Step-by-step explanationto solve this let's convert 1° C into kelvin and Celsiuts, then,let's compare
Step 1
a) convert 1 °C into Kelvin:
to do that, we need to use the formula


so, one degree Kelvin is smaller than aone degree celsius ( note that 1° C= 238 °K)
Step 2
now, let's convert 1° C into Farenheit
we need to use the formula:

replace and calculate


so, one degree Fahrenheit is smaller than aone degree celsius ( note that 1° C= 38.3 °F)
Step 3
finally, compare °F and °K

so, the measure in °F is six times the measure in °K
the smaller unit is
c) one degree Fahrenheit
I hope this helps you