To determine which shop has the better deal, you have to determine the cost per donut for both shops.
Dunkin' Donuts
Sells 12 doughnuts for $10.00
To determine the price per unit you have to divide the total cost by the number of doughnuts

For this deal, each doughnut costs $0.83
Krispy Kreme
Sells 10 doughnuts for $7.00
To determine the price per unit you have to divide the total cost by the number of doughnuts

For this deal, each doughnut costs $0.70
→ The price per doughnut for Krispy Kreme is less than the price per doughnut for Dunkin' Donuts. This means that Krispy Kreme has a better deal.
To know how much does each doughnut cost, you have to calculate the difference between both unit prices:

The doughnuts at Krispy Kream cost $0.13 less.