3 votes
When you open credit cards at a bank, you initiate a hard inquiry once you apply for credit. If you are approved for a credit card, this counts as a new account. Having too many hard inquiries and new accounts on your credit report lowers your credit score, so you’ll want to be judicious when you apply for additional lines of credit. Let’s say you’re interested in the following credit cards: •Chase Sapphire Reserve•Wells Fargo Propel Card•American Express Blue Cash Everyday •Citi Double Cash Card•Chase Freedom•Chase Amazon Prime Rewards Card•Bank of America Cash Rewards Visa•American Express Platinum Answer the following questions below (show work as applicable, using factorial notation if necessary):Scenario 1: First imagine that you would like to apply for all of these credit cards right now. How many different ways could you apply for these cards? ____________

User Ctwhome
4.0k points

1 Answer

4 votes
Step-by-step explanation

We have a list of 8 credit cards. If we want to apply to all these credit cards, we have:


different ways to apply.


8! = 40320

User Yahiya
4.2k points