1. Yes, because most of gamers in grade 8 had 51% to 100% correct, while most of gamers in grade 6 had 0% to 50% correct.
2. No, about 90% of the gamers in grade 8 had 51% to 100% correct, while only about 75% of the grade 7 had the same score.
To calculate these percentages, I did:

3. No, we can't say nothing about the age from this data, because they don't say nothing about the gamers age. The statement say the profile includes their age, however they are not in the data for us to analyse.
4. To calculate this percentage, we sum the gamers with less than 50% correct and divide by the sum of players in each grade:

One third is about 33,33%, which is close to 34%, so yes to 4.