I wrote this 2 years ago during my 8th grade poetry unit so if your teacher is named Mrs. Taylor I advise you don't use this, haha! It stinks but I didn't feel like writing a new one so enjoy.
Step-by-step explanation:
La Luna is sleeping, still as a rock
She hides under the ocean's playful waves
Sun's funky smirk while dreaming she does mock
The darkness of night she wants and she craves
She dreams of the man, so humble, so wise
He rests on her, fishing, all day and night
La Luna wakes up and starts to arise
She moves to the surface with all her might
Drifting slowly over the horizon
She climbs into the sky, into the clouds
Passing the sun who's time with earth is done
says hi to the stars she gently enshrouds
And calls to the owls still out having fun
Goodnight all my children, sleep oh so sound